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direct mail marketing trends 2017

Direct Mail Isn’t Going Anywhere

As a marketing channel that’s used for getting new customers and nurturing existing ones, one thing most marketers agree on is that direct mail is here to stay. As long as direct mail turns out a positive ROI, marketers will continue to use it as a means of communicating the value of their brand, message, and offer to their target market.

Many 2016 studies have shown that direct mailing is still a viable marketing option. Compared to e-mail, you don’t have to worry about your message going into a “junk” folder or not being seen. According to the U.S. Postal Service, 98% of people check their mail on a daily basis. So if you send something out, there’s a high likelihood that it’s going to get seen.

Additionally, a 2016 study done by Infotrends found that:

This study indicates that people are still opening their mail. What might be leaving though is some of the traditional methods of delivering and executing your message.

Mix Up Your Marketing With These Hot New Direct Mailing Trends

So what are the direct mailing pros using in 2017? The following trends are used by the top marketing agencies and businesses. Consider using these 5 direct mail trends to mix up your next direct mail campaign to stay ahead of the competition and to possibly get a higher response rate.

1. Video Mailers:

video mailer

Imagine opening your mail and being presented with a video. Sounds like something straight from a James Bond movie, right? Well today video mailers with built-in audiovisual players are available. The video plays after opening the mailer or by pushing a button. When presented a screen, individuals are inclined to watch instantly. This new form of direct mail is relatively new, so like most new technology, it’s very costly and not affordable for all campaigns. Although not intended for mass mailing, it can be great for impressing a handful of high-end clients.

2. Dimensional Mailer:

dimensional mailer

Unlike traditional envelopes or postcards, Dimensional mailers which are made typically in the form of boxes or tubes have a much higher response rate than regular mail. Although it is more expensive, you will definitely grab your prospects attention. These have a much better response rate than the mail pieces you are typically sent out now. Stand out from other mailers and leave a lasting impression with dimensional mail.

3. Personalization from Big Data:

The more information you have on your customer or prospect, the better you can tailor your marketing message for that individual. With big data you have more data to help you influence a purchasing decision for that individual.

4. PURLs and QR codes:

qr mailer
Marketers can now create a personalized url (PURL) or a QR code for each individual piece of direct mail to direct them to a relevant landing page.

5. Variable Printing:

The recent rise in popularity of variable printing has made it more affordable for small businesses. This process allows for creating customizable direct mailers with a variety of different messages, images, offers, unique coupons, and many other customization which allows marketers to better track their success and performance.

If direct mail marketing seems like a viable marketing option for your business, consider Infofree for your next direct mail campaign. Infofree has highly accurate and unlimited U.S. mailing lists. Get started today, call our marketing experts at 1.877.448.0101 for a quick on-screen demo!


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